(Pardon the horrible picture! I was in a rush…)
Did I mention hubby and I share a birthday party every year? Our birthdays are exactly 2 weeks apart, separated by Thanksgiving. Since it’s such a crazy time of year, we split the difference and share our parties (and our cake).
Yippee!! I finally picked a winner for the stamp set. (Okay, *I* didn’t pick a winner – random.org did.) I assigned a number to each comment, based on the order the comments were placed. (I took my sweetie out of the running. 😉 ) and random.org did the rest.
Drum roll, please………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
The winner is:
Congratulations, Shannon Ryan!
Aw that was a cute comment from your hubby
I am a CTMH rep and just signed up in October. Hmmm… I’d have to say my favorite birthday memory was not even my own sad to say LOL. I was deployed when I was in the Navy and two of my daughters have a birthday that is 2 days apart. The year I was in Puerto Rico, I was able to fly home and spend their birthday with them while on leave. The oldes was turning 3 and the youngest was turning 1, so it was very special for me to get to spend time with them. My birthdays have always been great since having my kids :). I get woken up with homemade presents and they are better than anything you find in a store.
I hope your birthday was just as special!
Have a great day
Shannon, just go here and give me your mailing address and I’ll get the stamp set on the way to you.
Thanks so much to everyone for playing and thanks for the sweet birthday wishes! I loved reading about your most memorable birthdays!