Yep, that’s what my darling daughter told me the other day. She was engrossed with something on the floor and I asked what she was doing. "I’m just lickin’ the ladybug, Mom." "You’re doing WHAT???" She looks up at me with those big green eyes of hers "I’m just lickin’ the ladybug". Me, frantic "Em, you know we don’t lick bugs! Yuck!" Em, looking at me (very hurt) "I’m not licking it, Mom – I’m lickin’ it." She’s *looking* at the ladybug. *whew* Carry on…
Another Em-ism – She just oot. Yep, she oot. She ooted waffles this morning. "Oot" is the past tense of "eat". You know, conjugated…eat, oot, ooted. 😀 LOL! I love this little girl.